Italy is finally preparing to reopen and many are beginning to wonder how to manage the queues that will inevitably form.
All businesses, which are allowed to reopen, will have to comply with the safety measures envisaged to contain the coronavirus infection and therefore the entrances must be staggered, the distance between people inside must be at least one meter and the staff must be equipped with protective equipment – gloves and masks.
The key words are therefore social distancing and quotas of inputs.
One of the most effective tools to adopt is a queue management system . Only a queue management system allows you to regulate the entry of people into an activity and therefore to enforce the safety rules that we will have to carry out for the months to come and to prevent people waiting to give life to a brawl to protect their order of arrival.
But which system to choose?
This depends on the activity you carry out.
Are you a perfumery? a bar? an ice cream shop?
It is very likely that your need is to queue up customers and prevent them from discussing the order of entry.
Are you a pizzeria? Typically you will need to manage the booking of tables according to the different time slots.
Are you a gym? You will need to limit entry to members only and manage participants in collective or individual courses.
Kiosk has studied a series of solutions that allow you to easily manage the flow of customers respecting the requirements of the Government but above all providing a quality service.
Kiosk solutions are equipped with apps that allow customers to comfortably follow the numerical progression, which is particularly useful now, as we are heading towards the warm season.
Our consultants are available to provide useful information to identify the most suitable choice for your needs.
Visit the site dedicated to our queue management software or call 0131.250313.