How to prepare an effective evacuation plan with digital entry registration

20 September 2024

Safety in businesses and public buildings is a top priority, and a well-structured evacuation plan is one of the most effective tools for dealing with emergency situations. Whether it’s a fire, an earthquake, or another emergency, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it can save lives. In an emergency context, visitor management becomes critical, and this is where using a digital entry registration system makes a difference. A good example is Kiosk Varco, an advanced visitor management system that makes it easy to monitor and control visitors in real time. This article will explore how to prepare an evacuation plan and how Kiosk Varco can ensure a quick and safe evacuation.


Emergency plan

The company emergency plan is a mandatory document in the workplace which, in accordance with art. 43 of the Legislative Decree 81/08 and the Ministerial Decree of 2 September 2021 , establishes the preventive measures and behaviors to be adopted in the event of serious and immediate danger, when this cannot be avoided. Workers must be prepared to take the necessary actions to minimize the consequences of such emergency situations.


How to Prepare an Evacuation Plan: The Essentials

evacuation_planPlanning an evacuation requires detailed consideration of many factors. Here are the key steps to ensure your evacuation plan is robust and effective:

  • Evaluate Potential Emergencies Identify all potential hazards that may require evacuation, such as fire, earthquake, flood, or gas leak.
  • Exit and Escape Route Mapping Emergency exits should be clearly marked and easily accessible from all parts of the building. Escape route maps should be placed in visible locations to facilitate evacuation.
  • Designation of assembly points Places where people are to gather once the building has been evacuated must be well identified and far enough away from the risk area.
  • Assigning Evacuation Officers Designate one or more people to coordinate the evacuation and ensure that no one is left behind.
  • Staff training Staff must receive specific training on how to follow and apply the evacuation plan. They must also be prepared to provide assistance to people with disabilities or other special needs.
  • Testing and Simulations Periodic simulations are essential to verify the effectiveness of the plan and to accustom everyone to respond quickly and in an orderly manner in the event of an emergency.



What an effective evacuation plan should include

An evacuation plan is not complete without clear and understandable documentation. Essential elements include:

  • Clearly visible evacuation routes for every area of the building.
  • Specific procedures for dealing with different types of emergencies (fires, gas leaks, etc.).
  • Assign clear tasks to designated emergency management staff members.
  • Evacuation methods for people with disabilities or mobility difficulties.
  • Emergency communication tools , such as megaphones, sirens or alarm systems, digital signage displays appropriately controlled and placed.
  • An up-to-date register of people in the building, including visitors. This is where the choice of register type comes in.



Further information:

For more details on preparing an evacuation plan and safety regulations in Italy, you can consult the INAIL guides or the resources of Firefighters .



Why the paper register is not suitable in case of emergency

The problem with using a paper log to track visitors is that in an emergency, it is ineffective and slow. In a crisis, every second counts and trying to retrieve a paper log to verify who is in the building can be time-consuming. Additionally, paper logs can easily be destroyed by fire or rendered illegible in a disaster. This leaves emergency responders without a clear picture of who is in the building, increasing the risk to visitors and complicating evacuation efforts. Not only. A paper register does not comply with privacy regulations, since the names of previously registered visitors remain visible to anyone who fills out the next form, exposing unauthorized personal information. To learn more about these issues, read the article dedicated to the Visitor Register and Privacy . The limitations and differences between a paper register and a digital visitor register are discussed in detail in this other article.


How a Digital Attendance Recording System Can Make a Difference

In a world where technology plays a crucial role in every aspect of security, digital registration systems are essential for quick and accurate visitor management. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Instant access to real-time data With a digital system, you can know exactly who is in the building at any time, with instant access to names, contacts and other relevant information.
  • Integration with emergency communications Digital systems can be programmed to send automatic alerts to visitors via SMS or push notifications, informing them of evacuation procedures and what to do.
  • Display Network Communication With digital signage integration, messages and evacuation plans can be immediately published to facilitate flows and provide clear instructions, for any type of emergency.
  • Time Saving While a paper log takes time to review, a digital system allows vital information to be extracted in seconds, reducing reaction times and improving evacuation effectiveness.
  • Traceability Every entry and exit is recorded in real time, making it possible to monitor the flow of people and verify who is still inside the building during the emergency.
  • Integration with security systems Some digital systems can be connected to access control systems or alarms, further facilitating evacuation operations.



The added value of Kiosk Varco: the ideal solution for managing visitors in case of emergency

A system like Kiosk Varco is particularly useful in emergency situations. This digital platform for managing entrances offers a series of advantages that go beyond simple visitor registration:

  • Real-time monitoring Kiosk Varco allows you to know exactly who is present in the building and in which area, thanks to the integration with access control systems.
  • Instant visitor alerts In the event of an emergency, Kiosk Varco allows you to send automatic communications to visitors via SMS or email, with detailed instructions on how to evacuate safely.
  • Data Security : The information collected by Kiosk Varco is stored securely and can be accessed quickly, even in an emergency. This means that critical evacuation data is always at hand, regardless of building conditions.
  • Ease of Use Kiosk Varco is intuitive and can be used by both visitors and company staff without difficulty, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.
  • Integration with your company security plan Kiosk Varco can be easily integrated into your existing evacuation plan, making evacuation simulations and tests more efficient and realistic.




Preparing an evacuation plan is a crucial element to ensure the safety of employees and visitors. However, without a valid digital entry registration system, managing evacuations becomes more complicated and risky. Investing in a digital solution not only improves operational efficiency, but significantly increases the likelihood of a rapid and organized response in the event of an emergency.


kiosk consultant
Manage emergencies and transform hospitality with Kiosk Varco

If you are looking to simplify visitor registration in your company, with a cloud system, advanced, user friendly and efficient at the same time, schedule a call and discover Kiosk Varco. Kiosk Varco is the innovative visitor register that offers you flexible, GDPR compliant and efficient management for your business security.

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kiosk consultant
Manage emergencies and transform hospitality with Kiosk Varco

If you are looking to simplify visitor registration in your company, with a cloud system, advanced, user friendly and secure at the same time, schedule a call and discover Kiosk Varco. Kiosk Varco is the innovative visitor register that offers you flexible, GDPR compliant and efficient management for your business security.

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